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DZK (Andrew Jackson)


DZK is the next step in the evolution of Hip-Hop music and a step backwards in the evolution of human life. He drinks too much, he smokes too much, he curses, he hates on Jesus, his bathroom is dirty because he doesn't care to look where he pees, he never cleans, he has no job, he is dedicated to one thing and one thing only... Teenage girls. No, wait, Music. Okay, two things...
If Hell had a synchronized swimming squad, DZK would be the one sniffing their swim suits after practice. If you're not listening to DZK, you're doing something right. But for the rest of us, on the bright side, his original and daring song-writing is one of the few guilty pleasures in life that won't kill you. That is, unless you swallow his CD or get hit by his tour bus.

Source: DZK Page



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